Cohasset Sailing Club
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Junior Sailing Register View Cart

boats on ramp
The Basics

The Junior program focuses on youth ages 10 – 16.  One instructor likens it to attending summer day camp, but with your schoolmates. By taking advantage of the town’s seaside location, one can become an accomplished sailor within a few years. For those new to town, it is a great way to make friends before school starts in the fall. To enroll, students must have completed the 4th grade.

Beginning students start with seamanship basics, and progressively acquire more advanced sailing skills. The mandatory equipment needed include a US Coast Guard approved type III life jacket and closed toed shoes.  Sunscreen and a smile are also recommended.

The Junior program has a four-year structure with an additional 5th and 6th year Race Team participation for those with advanced skills.
  • First-year students start at the Sailor level (after completion of 4th grade or older)
  • Second year students are in the Mate level
  • Third year students are in the Skipper level
  • Fourth year students are in the Captain level 
  • After the successful completion of the 4 year program a fifth year student may join the Race team and may join again as a 6th year student.
Making Up Missed Classes
We understand that summers are a busy time of year and your child will more than likely miss some sailing this summer.  It is only necessary to contact us if your child is going to miss more than 1/3 of their classes.  If you would like to arrange for private lessons (for an additional cost) for your child to get caught up please see our Program Director.  Due to high enrollment it is not possible for students to attend a different class time to make up missed days.

Your Program Director and Instructors

We welcome back  Maryellen Holler as our Program Director.  
Your instructors are college and high school students, many of whom went through the CSC’s Junior Program and Racing team. Our Senior Instructors are all U.S. Sailing Level I Certified Instructors, a designation granted to those who complete an intense week-long training program and who successfully test out, thus meeting rigorous U.S. Sailing Association national standards AND the Massachusetts Environmental Police Boating Safety Course.  Other instructors are all experienced sailors, many of whom will become senior instructors in future seasons. We complete our staffing with Instructors In Training (IITs) who assist in all facets of the program.

Explorer = Introduction to boating, after 3rd grade
(non-sailing program not available every season)
Sailor = 1st year sailing, after 4th grade - 3 sessions offered - Sailor I, II or III
Mate  = 2nd year - 2 sessions offered - Mate I or II
Skipper = 3rd year
Captain = 4th year
Race Team B = 5th year & beyond, first year on Race Team
Race Team A = 6th year & beyond

Class Sizes
Sailor (I, II, III)  -  20/class
Mate (I, II)  -  20/class
Skipper - 30
Captain - 30
Race Team 
Adult Sailing (A & B)  max 20/class

Sailor - 1st yr. sailing class (for current 4th graders and/or for children new to sailing)
Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Sailor 1 - for SWIM TEAM Members 
N/A 4 and up MWTh  06/23/2025 - 08/14/2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Cohasset Sailing Club
$400.00 Fee
20 seat(s) available
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Sailor 2 
N/A 4 and up MWTh  06/23/2025 - 08/14/2025
08:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Cohasset Sailing Club
$400.00 Fee
20 seat(s) available
  Registration Unavailable
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Sailor 3 
N/A 4 - 12 TuWF  06/24/2025 - 08/15/2025
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Cohasset Sailing Club
$400.00 Fee
20 seat(s) available

Mate - 2nd yr. sailing class (for children who passed 1st year sailing class and/or current 5th graders)
Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Mate 1 
N/A 5 and up MWF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
12:30 PM - 02:30 PM

Cohasset Sailing Club
$400.00 Fee
20 seat(s) available
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Mate 2 
N/A 5 and up TuThF  06/24/2025 - 08/15/2025
View Times

Cohasset Sailing Club
$400.00 Fee
20 seat(s) available

Skipper - 3rd yr. sailing class (for children who passed 2nd year sailing class and/or current 6th graders)
Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Skipper 1 
N/A 6 - 12 MWF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
02:45 PM - 04:45 PM

Cohasset Sailing Club
$400.00 Fee
30 seat(s) available

Captain - 4th yr. sailing class (for children who passed 3rd year sailing class and/or current 7th graders)
Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Captain 1 
N/A 7 - 12 TuThF  06/24/2025 - 08/15/2025
02:45 PM - 04:45 PM

Cohasset Sailing Club
$400.00 Fee
30 seat(s) available

Race Team - 5th yr. sailing class (for children who have completed 4 years of sailing class)
This year Race Team will conduct tryouts to build the team. All eligible registrants will be given an opportunity to try out for one of 12 spots. Bring your skill, knowledge and enthusiasm to the tryouts! Good luck! **In addition to membership and class fees, please be advised that there are additional costs associated with Race Team participation. A $39 US Sailing Junior Membership is required as well as Regatta participation fees which can range from $50-$100 per event. Refunds will be provided for those who don't make the team.
Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Race Team 
N/A 8 and up MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 08/15/2025
01:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Cohasset Sailing Club
$600.00 Fee
12 seat(s) available

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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